Change your life in 28 days


  Real Results.

Fresh Start

In the first 30 days you’ll leave your old life and lifestyle choices behind. Replacing bad habits with good ones, physically, mentally and emotionally. Creating a lifestyle change via exercise, nutrition and mindset.

You’ll be eating well balanced delicious, healthy and nutritious foods whilst working your cardiovascular system and/or muscle strength which will kick start your transformation.

You will implement new positive habits and learn to choose what’s best for YOU rather than what’s easy.

This stage is often the hardest, but by the time it’s done your mind and body will be refreshed and you’ll be ready to push to the next level and a newer healthier you.

On Track

In the next 30 days you will continue to see positive results which is motivation itself to continue your new found good habits, naturally your energy and focus will dramatically increase and you’ll build on the foundations you’ve established.

You will see improvements both physically and mentally and with the help of our coaches and support community, you’ll learn to break through the limits of your body and mind to continue to earn the results you seek. 

The structure we provide is carefully balanced to help you break your limitations and stay accountable, while not pushing yourself too far so you crash and burn. We’re with you every step of the way.

This is the stage (middle third) that many people stop and slip into old bad habits because at times  our bodies and our minds resist change.  But with the structure and support you’ll get from RUDE, you’ll beat this stage and never look back.

In Shape

Your final 30 days are to cement your new found mentality and  lifestyle change ensuring you complete the programme fully. Making sure all your hard work does not go to waste. Your results will continue to flourish and  the finishing touches to your 90 day programme will be completed and you can look back and see all you’ve achieved over the last 3 months.

Depending on your goals and which programme you have completed you will invariably see the results both physically and mentally. 

The consistent effort you’ve invested returns physically in the form of fat loss, muscle definition & strength, also no doubt now seeing improvements in many areas of exercise. 

Mentally you will have a new, fresh mindset filled with positivity. Including knowledge of how good nutrition and a healthy balanced diet is vitally important to not only make you look better but more importantly feel better too. 

You’re ready to take on exercise as part of your lifestyle.  Your old life and the way you used to look and feel is well behind you.

Your body and mind will be transformed. You may not be the finished article but you are well on your way to doing so, with a mindset open to take on new challenges fitness related and generally in life. 

You are fast becoming “The best version of yourself” 



“Give me 90 days ALL IN and I will change your life forever”


– Leo Roget, Personal Trainer and Founder of RUDE


This programme changes your life forever. Take a look at the stories of just some of those participating in this programme.